
08 - 10 January 2023

View from the Pier in RedCliffe

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. But most importantly, the Bee Gees originated from the small coastal town of Redcliffe, just a 30 minute drive up the sunshine coast. We didn’t want to go straight into the city, so Julie chose a random town that was a little north of the airport, on the coast. It was Redcliffe. Julie picked a great Italian restaurant, that was half a block from an alley dedicated to all things Brothers Gibb, where Bee Gees music plays night and day. Finally it was warm.

Sunset from our hotel room.

Beaches at South Bank

The next day took the Bus to South Bank and then rode the ferry down the Brisbane river. It was free, or at least we didn’t pay anything.


On Monday we took a trip to the Australian Zoo. The Zoo pays homage to Steve Irwin and his passion for conserving Aussie wildlife. It is also owned by the Irwin family…

The wildlife show gave us an appreciation of how fast and strong crocs can be.

Sumatran tiger playing with his ball in the water. His name is Hunter, and he’s blind.

Asian small clawed Otters

Tasmanian Devil


Julie thinks this Koala looks kind of pissed

A Binturong We spent way too much time trying for a good shot.

On the way back from the zoo, we took a detour to the Glass Mountain scenic lookout.

On the Drive to Hervey Bay we stopped for photos of two more large Aussie roadside attractions.

Giant Pineapple, near Woombye

Large Ned Kelly, in Maryborough

View from the balcony at our room in Hervey Bay

Spent the night in Hervey Bay before we caught the ferry to Fraser Island the next morning.


Fraser (K’gari) Island


Sydney - Part Two