Wave Rock, Hyden
27 November 2022
Julie, crashing under the wave.
On Sunday we visited Wave Rock a 49 ft high, 360 ft long granite structure, near Hyden. The shape and color of the rock is pretty incredible. We took a short walk to the Hippo Mouth rock, taking some pictures of local flora and fauna along the way.
Mulka’s Cave and the Humps are just a few kilometers from Wave rocks. The Humps are granite mounds with fantastic views of the surrounding countryside
Mulka’s Cave is an impressive example of Aboriginal art.
Here are a couple of examples. of outdoor art from the village of Hyden.
Anthony and Julie are having a friendly competition on who is driving on the left side of the road the best. Before we got to Hyden, Julie was winning on using the blinker instead of the window wiper. Anthony was winning on keeping on the right (left) of the road. Then Anthony had two mishaps, and Julie is winning in both categories. However, neither have had a clean (no wiper) day yet.
Random thoughts:
The prevailing color of North West Australia is some sort of brown. The ocean is a beautiful blue/aquamarine but everything else is a some shade of brown. Julie is tired of it.