16 - 18 March 2023
Julie and Anthony at Cathedral Cove
On Thursday, Julie and Anthony drove to Hahei Beach for our kayak trip to Cathedral Cove. Because of the recent storms, we could only access Cathedral Cove via the water. We ended up near Mercury Bay, where Captain Cook determined the location of New Zealand by observing the transit of Mercury.
Julie and Anthony paddling in nearly perfect unison
Our kayak crew.
We got tired of paddling, so we raised a sail to get to the end.
There was one gorgeous view after another on our drive up the west side of the Coromandel Peninsula.
Anthony at Waiau Falls. Julie took video of Anthony struggling back across the rocks, which will not be shared here.
Anthony was restless so Friday we drove South to Waiau Falls. Then after lunch we decided to drive to Colville Bay, a little north of Coromandel. However, because roads were closed because of the recent cyclone so we had to take the long way. We made it as far as Waikawau Beach and decided we had enough of twisty windy one lane mountain roads for one day. We didn’t know it at the time, but It was good practice for driving on Maui.
Julie on Waikawau Beach, the Pacific was chilly.
Lots of drinking in New Zealand? Random Pink Elephant in someone’s yard on the way to Auckland.
Google Treks, ‘cause Anthony loves his maps.