10 June 2024
Monday, Julie and Anthony drove to Brighton, to avoid the rain in Canterbury. On the way we stopped by Hastings Castel
We read the history of the Castle in billboards on the way up to the Castle.
At the top we were treated to views of an ancient ruin.
We drove down to the Beach in Brighton, where we had lunch. While we were eating, Julie booked us for the Brighton i360, a tower on the beach with a torus shaped enclosed platform.
Next stop Pevensey Castle, an English Heritage Site.
We saw the Long Man (or Green Man) of Wilmington on the hillside on the way.
Exterior wall, with moat.
Julie drove back to Canterbury, her first time driving on the trip. Google maps put us on some “B” roads, this meant a hedge or wall on the side of the road. Often these roads have no middle line, and are not always two car widths wide. Julie drove like a champ.
Google Map