Nottingham and York

07 - 09 July 2024

Julie and Anthony at the Major Tree in Sherwood Forest

On Sunday, Julie and Anthony followed in the footsteps of Robin Hood, taking a hike in Sherwood Forest.

Welcome to Sherwood Forest (Julie channeling Errol Flynn)

The heart of Sherwood forest is the ancient Oak Trees.

Julie loved doing a hike where she didn’t have to watch her feet for feeling like she might fall.

A trip to Sherwood Forest would not be complete without some Robin Hood lore. Below are statues of Robin and Little John’s famous quarterstaff fight over the water.

After our visit to Sherwood, we walked downtown Nottingham to the Museum of Curiosities. Our path took us through a graveyard, that was as creepy as the museum.

There was a video of the handle on this hearse moving on it’s own.

Wayne Manor from the Christopher Nolan Batman movies.

Julie and Anthony had originally planned to spend three nights in Nottingham, but folks we met on our travels recommended we add a stop in York. We were glad we did. But first we stopped at Wollaton Hall, which was used as Wayne Manor in The Dark Knight Rises.

We found a cutie little boutique Hilton Hotel, about a 20 minute walk to York City Center. Anthony loved the art deco window in the sitting room, it reminded him of the place we stayed at Wellington, NZ last year.

a Gate leading into Olde York

From the bridge over the River Ouse

Because it is MANDATORY when visiting York, we went to the Jorvik Viking Center. Julie was expecting something really kitschy, but was pleasantly surprised. An actual viking village was discovered when there was construction was being done. The Jorvik Viking Center was created to protect those findings.

Once you walk through a plexiglass floored room that is over the archeological digs, you get on a ride that takes you through a theoretical viking village. The big, technology wow factor is the smellovision?? They tried to replicate the smell of the village, but much much much less.

Below are different scenes from the ride.

Woman weaving

After the ride, they had display cases of different things found in the dig.

The Shambles

Our ghost tour in York started on the Shambles.

Not a lot of pictures from the ghost tour. A few of the stories were pretty good. Our guide was very enthusiastic, and it was plain he was very passionate.

The Cathedral

Anthony noticed and got a lot of pictures of the cats throughout the city

We had a beautiful sunset on the way back to the hotel.

We scheduled a boat tour of York on Tuesday morning. We got some rain.

Anthony sat on top to get the pictures, it was a bit lonely.

Once we got off the boat, we took some photos of the ruins and wall near the dock.

One last photo of the Shambles, in the rain and packed with people.

Maps, Maps, Maps: 1) Nottingham; 2) Road to York




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