Harry Potter at Leaveston Studios

04 June 2024

On Tuesday, Julie and Anthony took the bus from Victoria Station to Leaveston Studios.

All 8 Harry Potter movies were filmed at Leaveston Studios, a short bus ride from Victoria Station, from September 2000 to December 2010. The Studio tour includes two of the sound stages and the “back lot”. There was SO MUCH to see.

Unfortunately we do not speak snake.

The Great Hall

The first sound stage, building J, includes sets, props, clothes and visual effects spanning the 8 films. Sheer amount of things to look at reminded Anthony of the accumulated stuff at Westminster Abbey.

Julie and Anthony paid 6 pounds for the audio guide. It was mostly redundant and worse it was a distraction to the material on the tour.

The Burrow

The Boggart cabinet

Professor Trelawney’s classroom

The Black family tree

We had lunch at the back lot cafe, hotdogs and butterbeer. It was surprisingly good.

After Lunch Julie and Anthony discovered we were down to and hour for the remainder of the tour, so we flew through building K.

The first few rooms in K were reminiscent of the make up rooms in the Weta workshop in Wellington, New Zealand.

At the end of the tour there was this AMAZING model of Hogwarts. We were not able to spend near enough time taking it all in.

The walk of the wands. Neither Anthony’s or Julie’s wands (Neville and Ginny) were there.

Statue near Marble Arch. Sadly, the arch is covered by advertisement, so no photos here.

Google Map


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